Hiroshima Peace Tree Dedication Ceremony
Sunday, August 4, 2024
1:30 – 2:00 Children’s program | 2:00-3:30 Main program | 3:30-4:30 Reception & Refreshments
Petaluma Community Center | 320 N McDowell Blvd, Petaluma, CA 94954
This family friendly event is free and open to the public.
Registration is recommended at https://bit.ly/462mYxh
Join us at the Petaluma Community Center for the dedication of the Hiroshima Peace Tree. This event is a symbol of hope and unity for a peaceful future. Let’s come together to honor the past, celebrate the present, and root for a brighter tomorrow.
Special guests include Coast Miwok Elder Joe Sanchez, David Perry who has worked with his father, the Secretary of Defense, William Perry on educating the public about the ongoing dangers of nuclear weapons.
Children’s program includes kamishibai story, ema wish plaque writing and origami crane folding instructions. Don’t miss this special interfaith ceremony that will bring our community together in a spirit of peace and harmony.
The event is sponsored by Sonoma County Japanese American Citizens League and Peace and Justice Center of Sonoma County.The event is made possible with the partnership of Petaluma City Department of Parks and Recreation.
Reserve a ticket at

As the war against Ukraine continues with no apparent end in sight, the Peace Crane Project of Sonoma County adopts this position:
We oppose the Russian invasion of Ukraine and urge a rapid end to this war, and a de-escalation of the new nuclear arms race.
The United States, NATO, and Russia are all nuclear powers. Early in the war, Russia occupied Chernobyl raising concern that nuclear facilities would be weaponized.
Ukraine has 15 nuclear power reactors at four locations, which are vulnerable to attack.1 Any physical or cyberattack at a nuclear power plant will disrupt safety protocols and possibly expose people to radiation. Even worse consequences will ensue if Russia decides to deploy its nuclear arsenal.
The threat of nuclear war– with unthinkable consequences for humankind and for the planet– is likely to grow as the war drags on.
We demand that US-NATO allies and Russian forces recognize that continued warfare imposes tragic consequences for human beings and devastation of the environment.
Ever since the US dropped atomic bombs on Hiroshima and Nagasaki, the world has witnessed the terrible suffering caused by nuclear radiation exposure. Whether accidental (e.g., at Chernobyl, Three Mile Island, Fukushima) or through intentional testing (e.g. Marshall Islands and Nevada) radiation releases damage the health and welfare of current and future generations.
We call on anti-nuclear advocates worldwide to rise up in opposing continued warfare in Ukraine.
September 2022
SONOMA COUNTY PEACE CRANE PROJECT is an all-volunteer group committed to creating a world free of nuclear weapons, where people can learn to live together in harmony and peace.
Peace Tree Update

Michael Wenzel sent us the latest photos of the Gingko trees. The photo was taken in the winter of 2022 so there are no leaves on the seedlings, but each plant has grown considerably since our last visit in the spring of 2021.

Sonoma County Peace Crane Project members visited Sonoma Botanical Garden in Glen Ellen to see the seedlings sprouted from seeds of a tree that survived the nuclear bombing of Hiroshima. It is cared for at Sonoma Botanical Sonoma County in Glen Ellen. (April 16, 2021) Read more.
SONOMA COUNTY PEACE CRANE PROJECT is an all-volunteer group committed to creating a world free of nuclear weapons, where people can learn to live together in harmony and peace.